Loyalty has always been the secret ingredient to success for the hospitality industry. Regular guests don’t just boost revenue—if they…

VEMT nr. 1 in ‘Best Customer Loyalty Software’ on CrowdReviews
Great news! CrowdReviews, the ‘unbiased, community driven and transparent’ buyers guide has rated VEMT nr 1 in the category of Customer Loyalty Software. This category includes an extensive 129 international products, all delivering support for customer loyalty programs. Of course, VEMT is quite proud to be listed nr. one, especially because the rating is based on client reviews, rather than ‘bought’ awards, as so many lists are today. It goes without saying that our team will keep on working to keep our customer satisfaction level at this level by continuously improving our product and services for clients worldwide.
CrowdReviews ranks the best software and services based on sentiment and client reviews and offers an amazing 651 categories of software reviews. As you understand, at this moment, it’s our favorite review site!