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VEMT - The Experience & Loyalty Cloud
The VEMT Experience & Loyalty Cloud
Risks of Social Media Strategies

Does facebook own your customers too?

Managing risks of Social Media-strategies Social Media offer effective access to high interest (potential) customers. Brands and stores have however learned that the days are over in which you could grow that audience organically. Great content helps to collect followers, but it’s not sufficient anymore. Sometimes, a post reaches less than 5% of your own followers if it is not…

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VEMT nr. 1 in ‘Best Customer Loyalty Software’ on CrowdReviews

Great news! CrowdReviews, the 'unbiased, community driven and transparent' buyers guide has rated VEMT nr 1 in the category of Customer Loyalty Software. This category includes an extensive 129 international products, all delivering support for customer loyalty programs. Of course, VEMT is quite proud to be listed nr. one, especially because the rating is based on client reviews, rather than…

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What is missing in the new Gartner Buy/Own/Advocate Customer Experience Journey?

This month, Gartner published a new Customer Journey Model which they baptized - very practically - the "Buy/Own/Advocate Customer Experience Journey". As soon as you see the graphic representation of this journey, the reason for its name becomes clear: it has three cycles, which are marked with the names 'Buy', 'Own' and 'Advocate'. For many reasons, this is a nice update to…

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Leonieke Daalder writes nice article about interview

Leonieke Daalder (@daalder) - a Dutch Journalist and political scientist - has written a very nice report about the recent Top Names interview with Jeroen Nas. She emphasizes the fact that VEMT actively trains and encourages involvement from all employees, including developers, with deep domain knowledge about Psychology, Marketing and customer behavior. Outsourcing development - as many companies do -…

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